Alert: Delete these 13 apps in your phone immediately, your bank account can become empty in seconds...


Android phone users are always the target of hackers. If you also have an Android phone then this news is very important for you. Just a few days ago, a security firm in its report gave information about 13 such mobile apps that are very dangerous for Android users. All these apps contain malware named Xamalicious which can take complete control of your phone. Let's know about these apps...


What can this malware do?

With the help of this malware, you can be spied on and your bank accounts can also be emptied. Your phone can be controlled remotely. In such a situation, it is better that you delete all these apps from your phone immediately and do not make the mistake of downloading them again. Let us know the names of these apps...

Names of Xamalicious apps

Essential Horoscope for Android (com.anomenforyou.essential horoscope)

3D Skin Editor for PE Minecraft (com.little ray.skineditorforpeminecraft)

Logo Maker Pro (com.vyblystudio.dotslinkpuzzles)

Auto Click Repeater (

Count Easy Calorie Calculator (com.lakhinstudio.counteasycaloriecalculator)

Sound Volume Extender (com.muranogames.easyworkoutsathome)

LetterLink (com.regaliusgames.llinkgame)


Numerology: Personal horoscope & number predictions (com.Ushak.NPHOROSCOPENUMBER)

Step Keeper: Easy Pedometer (com.browgames.stepkeepereasymeter)

Track Your Sleep (com.shvetsStudio.trackYourSleep)

Sound Volume Booster (com.devapps.soundvolumebooster)

Astrological Navigator: Daily Horoscope & Tarot (com.Osinko.HoroscopeTaro)

Universal Calculator (com.Potap64.universalcalculator)

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