Cotton Saree Care: If you want to wear your favorite cotton sarees for a long time, then take care of them like this...


Cotton Saree Care: Cotton sarees are different. Very comfortable to wear and very classy in appearance. You can carry cotton sarees from office to day outings, kitty parties, and even on occasions like weddings. Available in different colors and designs, if you want to wear these sarees for a long time, then proper care of them is very important. Let us know how to take care of them.


How to take care of a cotton saree
Although taking care of them is not a big task, still it is important to take care of some things.

1. Before purchasing a cotton saree and wearing it directly, first mix rock salt in lukewarm water and leave it for at least 15 minutes. By doing this the color of the saree gets fixed.

2. Keep in mind that cotton sarees should always be washed separately from other clothes.

3. Never make the mistake of soaking a cotton saree in detergent.

4. To keep the cotton saree stiff, starch it. Which you will easily get in the market, but apart from this you can also use the water used in making rice.

5. Even after starching, the saree has to be washed with clean water, so that white spots do not appear on the saree.

6. Do not squeeze cotton sarees vigorously after washing, otherwise the shape gets spoiled.

7. Dry the cotton saree not in strong sunlight but in the shade.

8. Iron these sarees not after they are completely dry, but when they are still slightly wet.


9. Use paper covers/envelopes to store cotton sarees.

10. Cotton sarees often get damaged due to falls, hence after use, clean the dirt from the fall with a light brush.
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