Computer Vision Syndrome: Excessive use of screen can be the cause of Computer Vision Syndrome, know the reason..


Computer Vision Syndrome: These days people are spending most of their time amidst technology. Be it children or adults, nowadays everyone keeps using different types of gadgets throughout the day. Especially mobile-laptop or computer has become an important part of people's lives nowadays. Be it office work or school-college studies, people often use them for many reasons. However, continuous use of screens can be harmful to our health.


The increasing use of screens and gadgets is becoming the cause of serious problems like Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). At present, millions of people around the world are affected by it. This problem spoils both the productivity and quality of the person. A recent study on this has highlighted its prevalence. The study revealed that most people are using screens for a long time, due to which they are suffering from musculoskeletal and eye-related problems. Let us know important things related to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)-

What causes CVS?
There can be many causes for CVS. The primary reason for this is prolonged use of digital devices, which can cause symptoms such as itching, blurred or double vision, eye pain, headache, back pain, neck and shoulder pain, and numbness in hands or fingers. Apart from this, excessive use of computers or screens can cause sleep disorders.

Symptoms of cvs
Symptoms of CVS can affect a person's mood, which can affect motivation, job satisfaction, and a person's overall psychological behavior. Apart from this, excessive use of screens also spoils the sleep pattern. According to experts, the blue light emitted from screens can interfere with the synthesis of melatonin, which is an essential hormone that regulates sleep. In such a situation, you can adopt the following measures to reduce the risk of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)-

Limit screen time- These days children spend most of their time in front of mobile or computer screens. In such a situation, limit screen time for small children to one or two hours daily.


Sit with correct posture and in a well-lit area - If you or your child is using a screen, then make sure that your sitting posture is correct and the area where you are using the screen is not well-lit. Be properly arranged.

Maintain the right distance – To avoid computer vision syndrome, maintain a distance of 18 to 28 inches between the monitor and eye level. Place the chair in such a way that your feet are on the ground and your hands are comfortably on the desk.

Get regular eye tests done - If you or your child uses screens most of the time, then keep getting your eyes checked from time to time, so that any problem can be identified in time.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule – To take care of your eyes, every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something at least 20 feet away. Apart from this, do daily stretching for the neck, arms, shoulders, and back to relieve stress and reduce pain.

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