Cleaning Tips: This recipe will completely clean the sticky chimney filled with oil, it will cost only 10 to 20 rupees...


Diwali has come and you too must be busy cleaning. The most difficult thing is to clean the kitchen and even there cleaning the chimney seems like fighting a war. If you call a mechanic from the market and get the chimney cleaned, you may have to spend Rs 500 to 700 and within six months the chimney will become equally dirty. But there is a special method by which you can clean the chimney completely and make it shiny at home in just fifteen minutes. Through this remedy, all the oil, grease, and grease will be removed from the chimney and the cost will also be only Rs 10 to 20.


Let us explain to you how to clean the chimney without rubbing and hassle.

First of all, remove the chimney grate.
Heat water thoroughly in a large vessel (the vessel should be so big that the chimney nets are completely submerged in it).
Now put the chimney nets in this big vessel.
Put about one cup of caustic soda in that hot water.
You will get caustic soda in the market from the grocer or hardware shop. It is also available online.
Do not stir the water after adding caustic soda. Leave the nets aside for ten minutes.
You will see that due to the effect of caustic soda, dirt and grease are slowly rising up in the hot water.
Carefully turn these nets once after fifteen minutes.
Keep in mind that do not put your hands or any body part directly in caustic soda water.
You can wear gloves or take the help of a cloth.
Remove the nets before the water cools.
Most of the dirt and grease will have been removed.
If some grease or dirt remains, there is a solution for that too.

Make a paste by adding caustic soda to a bowl of hot water and clean those areas with the help of an old toothbrush.
Clean the inside parts of the chimney with this paste of caustic soda. Later wipe it with a wet cloth and let it dry.
Dry thoroughly and your chimney is clean.


Note: Be careful while cleaning the chimney like this.
Caustic soda is a chemical, do not touch it with bare hands.
Use gloves or plastic gloves.
Keep the main switch off, or unplug the wire, when cleaning the inside of the chimney.
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