Children's Breakfast Tips: If your children show tantrums while having breakfast then include these dishes...


Children's Breakfast Tips: The biggest challenge for any mother is to feed the children to their full stomachs. Because their body needs nutrients for growth and development. But it often becomes difficult to inculcate healthy eating habits in children as most of them indulge in food tantrums.


Also, many children skip breakfast and go to school, leaving them tired and irritable. It is important to give your child a nutritious breakfast so that they remain energetic throughout the day. Apart from this, skipping breakfast can also increase the chances of obesity as your child will eat more later in the day, which is the reason for weight gain. Let us know about some healthy breakfast options for children, which they will not be able to refuse-

Healthy breakfast option to feed children-
01) Homemade Pancakes

Pancakes are delicious and nutritious and make a great breakfast option for your baby. To make pancakes, take two cups of oats and add one cup of cottage cheese, two eggs, and vanilla to it. You can also add butter, honey, or peanut butter to enhance its taste.

02) Egg Breakfast
Eggs are highly nutritious and a perfect breakfast option for all. It contains protein which helps in building muscles and promoting the growth of your baby. You can serve eggs in various ways, such as omelets, boiled eggs, or even egg sandwiches.

03) Smoothie
Nothing can do better than a glass of delicious smoothie for your child. If your child does not eat fruits, you can make a smoothie out of them. Strawberry-Almond Smoothie, Greek-Yogurt, Banana Smoothie, Spinach Apple Smoothie, there are many options that you can make for your child.

04) Upma
Upma is not only easy to make but also gets ready quickly. It also ensures that your baby's stomach remains full for longer. It contains essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, zinc, and phosphorous, which help in promoting the overall health of your baby. You can also add vegetables like carrots, peas, beans, and nuts to increase its nutritional content.


05) Whole Grain Muffins
Whole grain muffins are a delicious and nutritious option that your child simply won't be able to refuse. To make it even more beautiful and tasty, you can garnish it with blueberries, almonds or other dry fruits.

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