Chapped Lips: Lips are chapped even in summer, know the easy way to avoid it


Chapped Lips: The problem of chapped lips can occur not only in winter but also in summer. Lips can crack after exposure to heat and sun in the summer season. Please tell us that repeatedly rubbing the tongue on the lips can also be one of the common reasons for chapped lips. Due to this, the moisture of the lips ends, which can lead to more dryness. When the lips start to dry or crack, the skin on top starts to shrink and fall off. Today we will tell you how to take care of your lips in the summer season.


Apply lip balm
To prevent your lips from chapping in the summer season, apply a moisturizing lip balm with SPF on a daily basis. You should use lip balm, things like beeswax, shea butter or coconut oil. Using this helps in keeping your lips hydrated.

Drink more water
Drink plenty of water to keep your body and lips hydrated. Dehydration also causes chapped lips, so keep yourself hydrated.

Don't turn your tongue
Often when we rub our tongue continuously on our lips, it makes the lips drier. That's why put your tongue on your lips again and again.

Use a humidifier
If you live in an air-conditioned room or spend a lot of time at home, use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Humidifiers help prevent dryness. Apart from this, while going out of the house, leave wearing a hat only.


What to do for chapped lips
The best home remedy for chapped lips is to apply petroleum jelly, honey, coconut oil, cream, and desi ghee on the lips. sleep with it on your lips at night
On the other hand, if the problem of chapped lips is happening again and again, then you can also contact an expert.
Avoid spicy and oily food from outside with chapped lips.

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