Business Idea: How much will it cost to set up an EV charging station, how much will be earned every day, know everything here..


You are aware of the skyrocketing prices of diesel and petrol. These days CNG Price is also becoming expensive. Therefore, these days electric vehicles are all the rage. This results in zero pollution. Besides, the cost of running it is also less. Therefore, not only in metropolitan cities like Delhi, e-rickshaws are also seen in towns and villages. In such a situation, the business of Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EV Charging Station) is booming. If you have a few meters of land on the road and a capital of at least one lakh rupees, then you can run this business comfortably.


How much capital is required to set up an EV charging station?
The cost of setting up an EV charging station depends on the capacity of the chargers. At least one lakh rupees will have to be invested in this. If higher capacity chargers are installed, the cost can go up to Rs 40 lakh. AC Slow chargers are less expensive while D.C. Fast chargers cost more. A D.C. The charger can be priced anywhere between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 15 lakh; While AC The price of charger ranges between Rs 20,000 to Rs 70,000. To charge fluid-cooled batteries when using a fast charger, the PCS must have a liquid-cooled wire.

Will a permit be required from the government to set up a charging station?
No permit is required for a charging station. According to the new rules, any person or any organization can build a public charging station without a permit. The things required for this are technology, security, performance standards, and following some protocols. You can install it in your home. If you do not have enough capital then some people can come together and form a self-help group.

What types of electric vehicles will come to be charged at the charging station?
Two types of EVs will come to the charging station for charging. First is Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). There is no gas engine in it. It takes power only from the battery. Most BEVs have rapid and L2 charging capabilities. Another type of vehicle that will come to your station are Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs).

What kind of subsidy will be received from the Central and State Governments for setting up charging stations?
According to Union Energy Secretary Alok Kumar, the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacture of (Hybrid and) Electric Vehicles Scheme) will be amended and subsidies will be given to those building EV charging infrastructure. He has clarified that upstream infrastructure like transformers will be installed by Discom or utilities. This will provide electricity to the charging station. It usually costs Rs 5-6 lakh.


There are many ways to benefit from an EV charging station. You can work on many strategies to increase profits at your location. Charge customers directly to increase earnings, or tie up with a corporate for branding at EV charging stations. This will cover the cost of your chargers. The EV business is growing, so the work of charging stations will continue to progress.
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