Anger issues: - Due to the lack of this thing in the body one gets angry again and again.


Anger is an emotion. When we dislike something, it is through this that we express our feelings. We, you or any person in the world adopt this method to express negative emotions. Sometimes getting angry makes the mind lighter.

But sometimes some people get very angry with their mother. Many people get angry again and again. In just a small matter the sky and the earth can be united. One cannot control oneself in anger. If this happens to you too, then it indicates the deficiency of something in the body. Yes, you read it right. Let us know about this from the experts

Due to the lack of this thing in the body one gets angry again and again.

Giving information about this, Dr. NupurRohatgi says that a hormone is responsible for anger. Its name is Seratonin. Often people who are deficient in serotonin feel angrier. Serotonin keeps a person's mind calm and makes him feel happy. When there is a deficiency of it in the body, then no message can reach the brain properly and a sudden change in the behavior of the person starts. Many times a person becomes so irritable and stressed that he even thinks of suicide.

How to overcome serotonin deficiency

  • Stay in the sun
  • Say no to smoking
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Consume foods like almonds, banana, milk, pineapple.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Take help of meditation
  • Eat tryptophan-rich foods.

Image Credit- Freepik

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