Aadhaar Update: Is the child's Aadhaar updated for free? Understand the fee calculation from UIDAI..
The Aadhaar card is a government document related to the identity of Indian citizens. The Aadhaar card also needs to be updated from time to time. If you are also thinking of updating your child's Aadhaar, then this information will be useful for you. If you get the Aadhaar card updated, then it is a free service for some situations, but in some situations, it will be necessary to pay a fee for an Aadhaar update. Information is given by the Unique Identification Authority of India regarding the Aadhaar card update and service charge for the update. Some conditions have been clarified by UIDAI regarding the Aadhaar update-
How much fee is charged for Aadhaar update
If you are getting your Aadhaar updated with fingerprint, iris, and photo, then this facility will be free for one time for your 5-7-year-old child.
If your child is 15-17 years old, then also this facility will be free for one time.
Apart from these two conditions, if the Aadhaar is updated with fingerprint, iris, and photo of the child at any age, then it will be necessary to deposit a fee of Rs 100.
If the demographic details i.e. child's name, gender, date of birth, and address are updated along with fingerprint, iris, and photo, then this facility will be free.
If you want to update Aadhaar separately for the child's name, gender, date of birth, and address, then you will have to deposit a fee of Rs. 50.
If you are updating documents regarding name, gender, date of birth, and address, then this service will be free on My Aadhaar portal till September 14. However, you will have to go to the Aadhaar center and pay a fee of Rs. 50 for this service.
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