Women's Health: Do you ask yourself all these questions in tension when periods are late? Know more about it...


Women's Health: No woman or girl likes to have periods, and no one likes to go through abdominal pain, back pain, irritability and heavy flow, but despite all this, if periods are late in a month It happens, then see if nothing works in the minds of girls. Has this happened to you too? Let us know what women often do when their periods are late and what thoughts start rising in their minds.


Thoughts of pregnancy: The first thought that comes is that periods are not coming, have I become pregnant? This happens when the girls are in a relationship and then their investigation starts from here.

Home Pregnancy Test: When girls do not understand anything, then finally they use a home pregnancy test. When everything becomes clear from here, then she goes somewhere and takes a breath of relief.

Research on Google: On suspicion of pregnancy, Google is used a lot, there is more than one research. Girls start looking for signs of pregnancy.

Remembering the date again and again: Often, when the period does not come on time, then women start adding accounts in their mind, such as whether they are thinking of the right date or they do not remember the date or the next few days. Will they have periods, many such ul all questions keep roaming in the minds of girls.

Due to late periods
Stress: Stress affects our physical health in many ways, and delay in periods is one of those effects. When you take more stress and tension, the hormones that balance it in the body increase, and the reproductive hormones get disturbed, due to which periods are delayed. Being overweight or underweight: Both obesity and leanness can harm the body. Due to obesity, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and due to low body weight, menstruation can also be a problem.


Thyroid: Having any kind of thyroid problem also has a bad effect on menstruation. Because the thyroid gland controls the metabolism in the body, it is connected to other parts of the body, due to which the body does not work properly. The reason is that it badly affects the reproductive system.

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