Weight Loss: If you mix this thing in green tea, then the fat will disappear, you will look like Tiger Shroff...


Green Tea For Weight Loss: If you have been troubled by the hanging fat of the stomach, then you should use green tea in this way. This will reduce your weight very soon. Most people simply drink green tea. You get benefit by doing this, but if you want to lose weight fast, then you should start mixing any one of these three things with this green tea.


Have green tea with lemon
You can also drink green tea mixed with lemon. Lemon proves very effective in reducing weight. It contains nutrients like vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Due to which your health benefits a lot. You can consume it with hot water in winter season.

Drink green tea with honey
The use of honey is considered effective for reducing weight. There are many types of anti-oxidants in it. Apart from this, it also contains many minerals. Which helps in reducing body weight. In such a situation, you can drink green tea mixed with honey. Honey also boosts immunity.

Use turmeric and cinnamon
If cinnamon and turmeric are used along with green tea, then you can lose weight very easily because it has many medicinal properties. By mixing both these things in green, calories burn faster. For this, while making green tea, put half a teaspoon turmeric and half a teaspoon cinnamon in it. This will also strengthen your immunity.


You will get these benefits
All these things are easily available at home. There are plenty of nutrients in them. If you mix things like turmeric, honey and cinnamon in green tea, it will not only reduce your weight but also give immunity to your body.

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