Vastu Deity: Know who is the Vastu deity, without whose worship building construction is inauspicious, know here...


In the scriptures, Vastu Dev has been called the God of the land, so before the construction of the building, the method of worshiping Vastu Dev has been told. From the rooms to the kitchen and study to the worship house, it is considered appropriate to make every room keeping in mind the direction of Vastu. It is believed that not doing so can disturb the peace and happiness of the owner of the land. Very few people know who these Vastu deities are, whose happiness is essential for every home. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about the same.


Who is Vastu Devata?
 In the scriptures, the Vastu deity has been described as a man created from a drop of sweat of Lord Shiva. According to mythology, when there was a terrible war between Lord Shiva and the demon Andhakasura, a few drops of sweat fell on the ground from Shankarji's body. From those drops, a creature appeared who terrified the sky and the earth, and started killing the gods. Seeing this, Indra, etc. Gods got scared and reached the shelter of Brahma Ji.

Then Brahmaji advised the deities to sit on him instead of being afraid of that man. The gods did the same. Falling it upside down, all the gods sat on it. When Brahma ji reached there, that man prayed to Brahma ji and asked about his fault and the behavior to be done with the gods.

On this Brahma ji also declared him a Vastu deity. Blessed that on the occasion of the construction of any house, village, city, fort, temple, garden etc. he will also be worshiped along with the deities. The one who does not do this, there will be obstacles in life of that person. Along with poverty, he will get premature death. Since then Vastu Devta is worshiped as the deity of land and buildings.


The face of Vastu Dev is in the northeast.
According to Pandit Joshi, Vastu Purush has been considered to reside on every land. According to Puranas and Vastu Shastra, his head is in an Ishan angle i.e. North-East, hands in North and East direction and feet in a Southwest angle i.e. South-West direction. Keeping these directions in mind, Vastu Purush is worshiped and Vastu defects are removed. Vastu Purush has worshiped along with these two deities and the first worshipable deity Ganesha because he was born from the sweat of Lord Shiva and got the blessings of Lord Brahma.

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