Uric Acid: These five foods increase Uric Acid rapidly after being digested, skip from diet today itself..


Uric Acid: Uric acid is a chemical made in the body which is made in everyone's body. The kidney filters out the uric acid, chemicals, minerals and waste materials produced in the body and removes them from the body through urine. If the amount of uric acid starts increasing in the body, then it becomes difficult for the kidney to filter it out of the body. Uric acid is an organic compound made up of elements such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.


Dharma Kidney Care's Dr According to Prashant Dheerendra, uric acid is a chemical made in our body, which is made in the body, as well as reaches the body through food. Uric acid levels should be 2.4-6.0 mg/dL for women and 3.4-7.0 mg/dL for men. When the level of uric acid reaches 7mg / DL, then the problem starts increasing. As the level of uric acid in the blood increases, it starts accumulating in the form of crystals in the joints. These crystals affect the joints of the fingers and toes and take the form of a disease like gout.

People whose uric acid remains high should avoid purine-rich foods in their diet. A purine diet rapidly increases the level of uric acid. Consuming certain foods in the diet increases the level of uric acid rapidly. Some grains rapidly produce uric acid as soon as they are digested. According to Ayurvedic Expert Dr Salim Zaidi, uric acid patients should avoid purine-rich foods in their diet. Let us know from the experts which those people who have high uric acid should avoid which foods.

Avoid Urad Dal: (Avoid Urad Dal)
People whose uric acid remains high should avoid consuming Urad Dal (Avoid Urad Dal). Urad dal is rich in purines and rapidly builds up uric acid after digestion. If your uric acid remains high, then you should avoid consuming urad dal.

Avoid Arhar Dal: (Avoid Arhar Dal)
Arhar dal contains protein due to which the amount of uric acid in the body starts increasing. Eating Arhar Dal (Avoid Arhar Dal) worsens digestion and the problem of allergy also starts increasing. People whose uric acid remains high should avoid Arhar Dal.


Avoid spinach and colocasia: (Avoid spinach and colocasia)
If the level of uric acid remains high, then avoid spinach and colocasia in the diet. Both proteins and purines are found in spinach, which can increase pain and swelling in the joints of patients with uric acid. Consuming colocasia also increases the problem of joint pain, so uric acid patients should avoid these two vegetables.

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