Skin Care Tips: Home remedies to remove warts on the neck, know here...


Often people have the problem of warts on the neck. This problem is caused by Human Papilloma Virus. In such a situation, let us tell you that some home remedies can overcome this problem. Many such things around us can save us from our problems. One of those problems is the problem of warts on the neck. You can use some home remedies to remove the problem of warts on the neck. Today's article is on these home remedies. Today we will tell you through this article that you can use the problem of warts on the neck through this article.


Remedies to remove warts from neck
-You can use banana peel for warts on the neck. In such a situation, apply a banana peel to the affected area and tie it with a cloth. After some time you remove the banana peel. Do this regularly. After some time warts will be seen falling off.

-The problem of warts on the neck can also be overcome with the use of apple cider vinegar. In such a situation, take a few drops of apple cider vinegar in cotton and apply them to the affected area. After some time clean your skin. After a few days, warts will dry out on their own. If you feel any kind of irritation while using apple cider vinegar, you can use aloe vera gel.


-You can also use garlic to remove neck warts. Warts can disappear quickly by applying garlic paste to the affected area. In such a situation, apply the paste of garlic wart on the affected area and clean that place after 15 to 20 minutes. By doing this, you will see warts falling quickly. Keep in mind, do this only 2 times a week.

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