Skin Care Tips: Follow these home remedies to get relief from cracked ankles, know here...


Home Remedies For Cracked Heels – Cracked heels not only look bad but also have to face problems like pain and bleeding. Cracked heels are a sign that the body is dehydrated and is slowly losing moisture. If the cracks become deep, blood can also come out of them. Cracked ankles can make it difficult for many people to walk.


In many cases, cracked heels can indicate diabetes. In addition, to crack heel lotions and creams available in the market, lemon can be used to repair cracked heels. Lemon has anti-oxidant properties which can help in improving the skin. Many such home remedies can be beneficial for cracked heels. Let us know about some home remedies.

Lemon and Coconut Oil
According to Health Shots, lemon and coconut oil can work as a panacea for cracked heels.

For this you need-
– 1 tsp Lemon and Orange Peel Powder
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp lemon and orange juice
- 1 tsp sugar

How to make
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Keep in mind that sugar is not to be dissolved, it will act as a scrub. First of all, clean the feet thoroughly and wipe them with a towel. Then apply this paste well on cracked heels. Scrub the affected area for 3-4 minutes. Then rub it with the help of a pumice stone. Wash your feet with normal water and dry them with a towel. Moisturize your feet and wear socks.

Lemon and Vaseline
Lemon and Vaseline can be used to make cracked heels soft. It can provide moisture to the skin.
need for

-1 tsp Vaseline
-1 tsp lemon


make like this
To make it, mix Vaseline and lemon well in a bowl. Before sleeping at night, apply this paste well on the ankles and wear socks. Leave the paste on the ankles overnight and wash it off when you wake up in the morning. This can be done twice a week.

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