Jagannath Temple: Jagannath Temple where Lord Krishna's heart still beats, this mystery will surprise you...


Jagannath Temple Interesting Facts: The history of many famous temples and shrines of India is full of mysteries and miracles. Lord Jagannath Temple located in Puri, Odisha is one of the holy places. The history of the Jagannath temple is surprising in itself. It is believed that the heart of Lord Krishna still beats in the idols present in the Jagannath temple.


Here supernatural idols of God are seen in other temples, while the idols installed in Jagannath temple are incomplete. So let's know what is the secret of Lord Krishna's heart beating in the Jagannath temple.

Who is Lord Jagannath?
There is evidence in the scriptures that Lord Krishna is Jagannath only. It is mentioned in the Matsya Purana that Lord Krishna is seated with his siblings in the Jagannath temple. In all the temples, the idols of God are made of Ashtadhatu or any other metal or stone, but in the Jagannath temple, the idols are made of neem wood. It is believed that King Indradyumna of Malwa was ordered by Lord Krishna in a dream to make idols of himself and his siblings Balabhadra and Subhadra from a neem tree log, then King Indradyumna built this temple.

Even today the heart of God beats
According to belief, the sanctum sanctorum of the Jagannath temple houses the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra, which are changed every 12 years. When the idols of the temple are changed, then the Brahma substance is taken out from the idols and applied to the new idols. The substance of Brahman is considered to be the heart of Shri Krishna. The priests of the Jagannath temple say that when they place the heart of the Lord in the new idols, they feel something jump in their hands.


The priests of the temple believe that this is Brahma substance, which is made of Ashtadhatu. But this Brahma substance is living. One who sees this Brahma substance may become blind or may die. Therefore, while changing the Brahma substance, silk strips are tied to the eyes of the priests. Similarly, there is never a shadow in the sunlight of the temple.

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