Heat Stroke Safety Tips: If you want to avoid heat stroke in summer, then it is necessary to adopt these methods


Heat Stroke Safety Tips: With the onset of summer, there is a lot of change in the lifestyle of people. From daily routine to diet plan, all the daily activities are done keeping in mind the summer season. In this episode, people also adopt different methods to avoid heat stroke in summer. However, you can protect yourself from Loo by following some simple tips. Actually, the problem of heatstroke is very common in summer. In such a situation, going out of the house without taking precautions can prove to be very dangerous for health. Due to heat stroke, problems like dehydration, loose motion, vomiting and lack of water in the body are often seen. In such a situation, by taking some precautions and taking the help of easy home remedies, you can be able to avoid heatstroke.


Cover head and skin
Do not forget to cover your head before going out in the scorching heat of summer. Otherwise, you may have problems like headache and dizziness. In such a situation, you can take the help of umbrella or scarf to cover your head. Apart from this, wear full sleeve clothes to protect the skin from tanning.

Onion will be effective
Onion is a panacea to avoid heat stroke. If you rub onions and apply them on the nails before going out in the sun, then it does not cause heat. Not only this, keeping peeled onions with you while going out in the sun also protects against heatstroke. Along with this, after coming from the sun, mixing honey in onion juice and licking it gives relief from heatstroke.

Eat healthy drinks
To avoid the heat in summer, do not forget to include healthy drinks like lemonade, shikanji, sherbet, mango panna, juice of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. With this, the lack of water in your body will be completed and the chances of getting heat stroke will be greatly reduced.

Pay attention to diet
One should avoid going out on an empty stomach in summer. There is a risk of heatstroke due to this. Also, instead of eating fried roast in summer, give preference to light food. Due to which your digestive system will also be fine. Apart from this, include cold things like curd, tomato chutney and coconut in the diet.


Apply body mask before bath
Do not forget to use some natural body mask to protect the body from heatstroke. For this, before taking a bath, you can make a paste of barley flour and onion and apply it on the body. Along with this, massaging the soles with mango paste is very beneficial. Apart from this, prickly heat can also be got rid of by applying gram flour paste on the body.

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