Health Tips: These symptoms appearing on the tongue are a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, know about them...


Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms: The production of vitamins in our body is low. Which we lack by eating good food. People need different types of vitamins for a healthy body. If there is a deficiency in even one of which, then many types of health problems have to be faced. Its indications start giving body parts, one of which is also the tongue. So let's know how to recognize those symptoms.


-Symptoms of vitamin B12 in the body appear on the tongue. B12 deficiency leads to the problem of tongue ulcers. Wounds on the tongue usually heal on their own but this does not happen in this.

-During this, eating chili and spices should be avoided. If the small grains visible on the tongue disappear, then it is understood that there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body.


-Many times there is lubrication in the tongue, which means that there is an infection in the stomach. In such a situation, you need to improve your diet. Apart from this, energy is reduced in vitamin B12. Muscles start to weaken.

-Depression and confusion are also caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B12. Difficulty in understanding and remembering things is also the reason for the deficiency of this vitamin.

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