Health Tips: People are becoming victims of these 5 diseases due to humidity and heat, know how to protect


Due to humidity and heat, the problem of insomnia is also other heat, due to which the person may have to face problems like headache, irritability, etc.


During this season, people may feel the humidity, due to which there is a problem of fatigue, lethargy, etc. Although these symptoms are fever, more care is needed.


People may also have to face skin-related problems due to humidity and heat. Let us tell you that due to excessive sweating, the problem of pimples, rashes, etc. can arise.


Due to the humidity and heat, people may also have the problem of food poisoning. Food gets spoiled quickly in this season. In such a situation, avoid eating outside and also remove bamboo food from your diet.


Some people may have problems like vomiting in monsoon. Especially those who are heart patients, need to take special care of themselves in this season.


Keep yourself hydrated, wear cotton clothes, avoid fried food, consume coconut water, and eat fresh and cooked food.

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