Health Tips: Drinking cumin and fennel water has many health benefits, know here...


Benefits of fennel cumin water: Drinking cumin and fennel water has many health benefits. Along with reducing weight, it also detoxifies the body. Making cumin and fennel water is very easy. You can easily make it at home. Drinking cumin and fennel water in the morning is very beneficial. It makes your body strong from within and develops the ability to fight disease. Let us know about the benefits and consumption of cumin and fennel water.


Benefits of drinking cumin and fennel water
Good for Digestive System: Drinking water of cumin and fennel keeps your digestive system healthy. The fiber and essential nutrients present in it make your digestive system strong. With this, your food is easily digested and there is no problem of indigestion and acidity. Drinking cumin and fennel water on an empty stomach every morning can prove beneficial for you. For this, you can make a decoction of cumin and fennel.

Strengthening Immune System: Consuming this mixture strengthens your immune system. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties keep diseases away and make you strong from within. The vitamin C found in it also plays an important role in this. For this, you can wake up in the morning and drink cumin and fennel water.

Useful for skin problems: You can drink cumin and fennel water to improve skin tone. It helps the skin to repair cells and also increases the blood circulation of the face. Due to this, your hormonal balance is also good, due to which pimples and blemishes do not appear on the face.


For eyes: Cumin and fennel water act as antioxidants for the eyes. Vitamin A and C found in it are very beneficial for your eyes. This can remove the problem of your eyes and headache. Apart from this, you also get good sleep.

How to make cumin and fennel water: To make cumin and fennel water, take water in a vessel, add cumin and fennel seeds and boil it for 10 minutes. Then add honey or cinnamon powder to it and boil it for some time. After that take it out in a glass and drink it. This can give you a lot of relief.

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