Health: These 4 things make immunity weak, can be victims of serious diseases


Ever since the start of the corona epidemic, experts have given various advice to people on how to maintain immunity better. To prevent serious diseases and infections, it is also necessary that your immunity remains strong. The immune system is designed in such a way that it prevents many harmful foreign substances or molecules from entering the body. Immunity is a protective shield, which protects the body from infections. But, due to some bad habits included in the routine, immunity also starts getting affected, due to which you start suffering from many diseases, infections. Exposure to irritants, allergens and germs can lead to diseases that need to be prevented. Learn about the common factors that can cause many health problems by weakening the immune system.


Factors affecting immunity
Even after giving repeated instructions from experts, there are some people who do not take care of hand wash, proper hygiene. Ignoring hygiene is enough to make you sick. According to a report published in OnlyMyHealth, according to some studies, only 67 percent wash their hands while using the toilet. Another 85% were those who washed their hands after using a public toilet. Poor hygiene, not paying attention to hand hygiene can increase the risk of many diseases. You have to wash your hands with soap for at least 15 seconds. It is important to rub well between the fingers and the back of the hands as well. In such a situation, it is also possible to avoid many types of germs, infection present in the restroom.

Immunity weakens due to not getting enough sleep
Nowadays people's sleep cycle is the most messed up. Some people have to do office work in the night shift, but those who do not have any work, they keep awake till late night and play movies or games on mobile. Due to this they are able to get only 4-5 hours of sleep. Every adult needs to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. This also has a negative effect on health, as well as weakening immunity. Sleeping less reduces the level of the stress hormone, cortisol in the body. According to studies, only 56% of adults are able to sleep at least 7 hours a day. Youngsters also need to take at least 7-8 hours of sleep in 24 hours for a healthy and active body-mind.

Nutritional deficiencies in diet
Nowadays people are so busy in their work that no one has time to sit for 10 minutes and eat healthy and nutritious things. A healthy diet is very important to maintain good health and immunity. Eat foods rich in minerals, as there are some compounds in it, which make immunity strong, protect cells from damage. Some fruits and vegetables contain zinc, which improves immunity. Excess consumption of junk food, packaged food, processed foods can damage immunity. This can make it difficult to manage proper immunity. In such a situation, eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, B6, B12, iron, zinc etc. They work to increase immunity power.


Stress weaken immunity
When you are under stress, the level of stress hormones in the body increases significantly. It also affects immunity. Rising levels of the stress hormone cortisol can make it difficult for your immune system to function properly. In such a situation, it is important that you think of ways to get rid of stress.

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