Health: Include these things in the diet if you have kidney disease, know here...



Diet In Chronic Kidney Disease – The kidney plays an important role in keeping the body healthy. It detoxifies the body along with purifying the blood. The risk of kidney disease increases if there is any kind of problem in the functioning of the kidney. When the kidney stops working completely, then the condition of chronic kidney disease can be faced. Sometimes dialysis and kidney transplant are also required in this situation. In such a situation, along with proper treatment, the patient will also have to pay special attention to diet. The patient with kidney disease should follow the diet chart according to his need and stage. So that kidney function can get the ability to work again. Let us know what should be the diet of the patient with chronic kidney disease.


What should be the diet
Along with being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, efforts should be made to ensure that your diet puts minimum stress on the kidneys and the whole body. According to Very Well Health, a kidney patient should follow a diet according to the stage of the disease. It is necessary to control the amount of protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus in the diet.

Low-Sodium DASH Diet
Many experts recommend the DASH diet in the initial stage of chronic kidney disease. Which includes vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Apart from this, you can consume a medium of grains, fish, and nuts.

Increase Protein Source
Between 8-10 ounces of protein can be consumed daily to maintain lean muscle mass and boost immunity. In this, the focus should be on lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

Use less salt
To control blood pressure, do not consume more than 2,000 mg of salt daily. Remember, low sodium does not mean that you should not consume salt at all, but do it in small quantities.

Increase carbs intake
Increase the number of carbs as needed. If there is a need to gain weight, then the number of daily carbs can be increased to 6-11 servings. For carbs, the number of cereals, flour, and bread can be increased in the diet.


Limit liquid diet
-Limit a liquid diet to avoid pulmonary edema. To reduce thirst, avoid consuming high-salt foods. Instead of fruit juice, eat more fruits.

-Changes in diet and lifestyle can be made if there is a problem with chronic kidney disease. Contact the doctor if you see the initial symptoms of kidney disease.

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