Health: Avoid eating these foods during Pregnancy, Know here


The time of pregnancy is full of challenges for any woman, in which you have to take care of your health as well as the health of your baby. Because whatever the mother eats, it affects the child growing in the womb. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that everything that you are eating should be taken care of. Yes, a little carelessness done during this time can be heavy on the child. Pregnant women should eat nutritious and balanced diet during this time. While there are some foods from which it will be good for you to stay away from it. Today in this episode we are going to give you information about some such diet which is absolutely forbidden to eat during pregnancy while some things are advised to be eaten in limited quantity. So let's know about them...


Pregnant women are advised not to eat papaya. Because eating papaya increases the risk of miscarriage. Let us tell you that papaya is advised to be eaten by those women who do not have periods on time. Papaya contains latex which triggers uterine contractions. Which means premature labor can start.

Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera is very good for hair and skin. Even drinking aloe vera juice can prevent many diseases, but let us tell you that aloe vera juice can become poison for pregnant women. Taking aloe vera juice during pregnancy can cause bleeding from the pelvic area, so it is better not to consume aloe vera juice in the first trimester of pregnancy.

High mercury fish
Mercury is a very toxic element that is not considered safe. It is found in polluted water. An overdose of mercury damages the nervous system, immune system and kidneys. Even small amounts of it can have a serious impact on the development of the unborn baby. Since it is found in polluted oceans, larger marine fish tend to accumulate mercury in large quantities. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should not eat fish containing mercury. Fish with high mercury include shark, king mackerel, tuna, swordfish, marlin and orange ruffi.


Raw egg
Pregnant women should not eat raw eggs. Raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, etc. Not only this, Salmonella bacteria can also harm the baby.

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